As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another,
as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.
1 Peter 4:10
We have an amazing God. Truly an amazing God.
The fact that He's sovereign and omnipotent and omniscient is great enough in itself. He could do everything Himself. He could fulfill His plan without any "help" from us.
But He doesn't work that way. He chooses to use us to fulfill His plan--frail, flawed, imperfect us--to do His will.
And that's amazing.
What a gift that is. God uses us and the gifts with which He's blessed us to serve Him and to serve others. Each of us has a gift that we're called to steward--to manage well. And when we use those gifts to serve others, we bring glory and honor to Him.
If you love to organize, use your gift to help in your church office or at a local ministry.
If you love to entertain, use your gift to open your home to the people in your neighbor.
If you love to encourage others, use your gift to lend an ear or a shoulder to others.
Be part of God's plan. Use your gift, and give to others and serve God.