On this day before Thanksgiving, I want to continue the theme, but from a slightly different angle.
I'm blessed to work at a Christian organization, and each Wednesday, we have a company-wide chapel time, complete with worship and a devotional. This morning, our president spoke about thankfulness, and he said the Bible mentions four "dimensions of thankfulness":
- A Heart of Thanksgiving
- A Voice of Thanksgiving
- A Song of Thanksgiving
- A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
And then this idea of a sacrifice of Thanksgiving . . .
Do I thank God before I do anything else? Do I praise and thank Him in good times and in bad? Is my first prayer one of gratitude?
Sometimes, maybe, but certainly not constant, as it should be.
So, now, this day before Thanksgiving, I choose to offer "unblemished sacrifices" and give my firstfruit of gratitude. And I pray this will be my heart every day.
Have a blessed and THANKFUL holiday!!