Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Still Thankful

In my last entry, I shared some things for which I'm grateful.

On this day before Thanksgiving, I want to continue the theme, but from a slightly different angle.

I'm blessed to work at a Christian organization, and each Wednesday, we have a company-wide chapel time, complete with worship and a devotional. This morning, our president spoke about thankfulness, and he said the Bible mentions four "dimensions of thankfulness":

  • A Heart of Thanksgiving
  • A Voice of Thanksgiving
  • A Song of Thanksgiving
  • A Sacrifice of Thanksgiving
This last one really touched my heart. I'm studying the book of Malachi right now, and I read in this morning's study that the Israelites made a vow to offer unblemished sacrifices. I had to ask myself if I give "unblemished sacrifices"? Do I give my firstfruits to God in all areas of my life?

And then this idea of a sacrifice of Thanksgiving . . .

Do I thank God before I do anything else? Do I praise and thank Him in good times and in bad? Is my first prayer one of gratitude?

Sometimes, maybe, but certainly not constant, as it should be.

So, now, this day before Thanksgiving, I choose to offer "unblemished sacrifices" and give my firstfruit of gratitude. And I pray this will be my heart every day.

Have a blessed and THANKFUL holiday!!

Friday, November 09, 2007

With a Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. One of the main reasons is that there's no real hype surrounding it (of course, that also means that it seems to be somewhat overlooked). It's just a time to reflect on what God has done for us, and every year, I try to do just that.

James 1:17 tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from our Lord. I really believe He delights in blessing us. I picture His smiling when we find pleasure in His gifts.

But I'm often convicted that I just don't thank Him enough . . . although I realize that because of His grace and mercy, I can NEVER thank Him enough.

So as I look to this upcoming holiday, I want to thank my Lord:
  • For being my Lord and Savior - You saw worth in this unworthy girl.
  • For Russ, my dear, supportive husband - He has allowed me to follow God's call on my heart.
  • For family - They may be far away in body, but are always as close as a prayer.
  • For friends - Through tears and laughter, they continue to bless my heart.
  • For ECCU - I realize how blessed I am to work for a Christian organization.
  • For Triple-E Ministries - The privilege of seeing God work in the women to whom I speak is humbling.

There's so much to be grateful for. Yes, I have areas I struggle with. No, my life isn't perfect. But I am blessed . . . and so grateful.

If you haven't lately, take a moment to thank God for His blessings.

And Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 01, 2007


God did an amazing thing when He created girlfriends!! There's nothing quite like them!!

I am so very blessed! God has given me such wonderful girlfriends, and I'm just so grateful. This week, I've had a chance to talk with or get together with some of my very favorites, each of whom impacts my life in a unique way.

There's my prayer warrior friend who, when she says she's praying, I KNOW she's praying!

There's my "life is meant to be fun, even when it doesn't seem to be" friend with whom I share all the ins and outs of my life, and we laugh together.

There's my "I know exactly how you're feeling" friend, who's on a similar journey.

There's my "you can do it" friend, who encourages me to be more than I think I can be.

I honestly don't know what I'd do without these women of faith. Their very presence in my life is tangible evidence of God's love and faithfulness to me.

Girlfriends? If I don't tell you enough, I love each of you and I'm grateful for you.

If you have some special girlfriends that have blessed you, don't forget to tell them!!