Friday, December 28, 2007


I know everyone says it, but time really is flying . . . how can it already be five days from the beginning of a new year?

Well, whether I want to believe it or not, another year looms around the corner, and as I do every year, I reflect on 2007:
  • Russ and I enjoyed a vacation in Hawaii!
  • My second great-nephew, Joseph Thomas, joined our family in August.
  • My mom and step-dad have been in town since early November, so I've been able to spend a lot of time with them.
  • My job continues to give me opportunities to work with ministries.
  • God continues to open doors to speak, and He keeps affirming His ministry.
  • He gave me an unexpected gift: the recording of my CD.
  • He also continues to bless through the ups and downs of my health journey.

It's been a year of blessings and trials, difficulties and joy. Yet through it all, God continues to be faithful.

May this coming year bring you blessings and joy. And may you always remember His faithfulness.

Monday, December 03, 2007

A Bittersweet Season

That may not be the expected title of an entry posted on December 3. You're used to seeing words like joy and peace and grace, and indeed these words come to mind as I look forward to Christmas. I really do love this season, and yes, my house is completely decorated . . . as is my desk at work. I'm a sucker for all the fun and festivities and lights and music.

But this is also a bittersweet season.

I think of this culture we live in and how the true meaning of Christmas has been diluted to the point that we have an entire generation that doesn't know that we celebrate Jesus' birth. So many buy the gifts and decorate the tree and hang the lights, but they haven't received the greatest gift of all: God's grace and forgiveness.

And for those of us who have friends and family who haven't received that gift, there's a mixture of sadness with the joy.

I pray this season, as I have in years past, that those who are nearest and dearest to us will, this Christmas, come to know the Christ of Christmas. Won't you join me in prayer?