One such verse is Micah 6:8. You may be familiar with it.
He has shown you, O man [or woman!], what is good;
But to do justly,
To love mercy [some translations say "kindness"],
And to walk humbly with your God.
Sometimes, after years of walking with the Lord and desiring His will and His plan, I still wonder what I should be doing for Him. Should I give more of my time, talents, and treasures? Should I volunteer at the local skilled nursing facility? Should I mentor more?
I get caught up with what I should be doing.
Then I read--again--a verse like this, and God reminds me. All He wants for me is:
- To "do justly"--follow His commandments
- To "love mercy"--be kind and merciful to others
- To "walk humbly" with Him--acknowledge that He is sovereign and give Him honor, praise, and worship
It's pretty simple--or so it seems. But really, the human side of me doesn't always want to be kind or humble.
So I'm convicted again. Am I willing to take up this "simple" challenge? I pray I am. I pray you are as well.