scripture: Psalm 7:12-16
So, we talked about God’s being our shield the other day. As I was mediating
on today’s verses, I honestly was stumped. What encouragement, affirmation, or
even conviction could be found?
Then finally, a key phrase jumped out (thank You, Holy Spirit!).: “if a man
does not repent …”
Like many of you, I have special people in my life, especially my husband, who
don’t know the Lord. When I read scripture that describe the unrepentant and
say things like, “His mischief will return upon his own head,” I’m struck.
No, my sweet husband may not “prepare deadly weapons.” He doesn’t “conceive
mischief” (although he can be mischievous J). He’s not violent.
But he is unrepentant. He doesn’t see his need for a Savior. And so, unless he
comes to know Jesus, he will “fall into the hole which he has made.” That hole?
Eternal separation from God.
And so, indeed, I’m struck. I feel a renewed urgency to share truth with him …
and with all in my sphere of influence who don’t know Jesus.
scripture: Psalm 7:8-11
Do you have days when it seems like everyone and everything is pummeling you
with offensive weapons from all sides?
A snide remark from a friend feels like a stinging dart. A careless word from a
spouse is a dagger’s pierce. A doctor’s devastating report cuts sword-sharp.
Attacks. Ambushes. Assaults.
It’s on those days we need to remember that God is our shield. He protects us
from the “slings and arrows” that could so easily fell us. He surrounds us with
a hedge of protection.
Yes, sometimes, a dart may sneak through or a dagger may press, but He will
keep us from falling, from complete destruction.
If today’s an attack, stand behind the Shield—God Himself.
scripture: Psalm 7:1-7
Okay. I’ll admit I’ve never had an adversary who has “pursued me” or attempted
to “tear my soul like a lion …”
Oh, I’ve had people in my life who haven’t liked me, but generally speaking,
people are usually pleasant toe me.
But I—and if you’re a Christian, you too—have an enemy. An enemy of my soul. An
enemy who would like nothing more than to discourage me, “trample me,” and “lay
my glory in the dust.” This enemy, one described as the “prince of the power of
the air” (Eph. 2:2), is “prowl[ing] around like a lion, seeking someone to
devour” (1 Pet. 5:8). He knows he’s lost the war because Jesus has already
“overcome the world” (John 16:33), but he’s going to try to win a few battles.
How blessed I am to know that God is my refuge and protector—not just from
earthly enemies but also from this enemy of my soul. And that enemy? He doesn’t
stand a chance!
scripture: Psalm 6:8-10
On Monday, I wrote of how the Lord helps me through those days of groaning.
Today's verses make it clear why that is so: The Lord has heard ...
When I ask for strength to get through each day, He hears me ... and He gives
me strength. When I need extra energy to accomplish what's on my calendar, He
hears me ... and He gives me energy. When I pray for a lifting of pain for a
moment, He hears me ... and He masks the pain.
I’ve been thinking of this a lot over the last week or so. It’s a busy season:
teaching four classes; in rehearsals for a play (we open tomorrow J); speaking at
two events … Oh, and I've been fighting a cold. All these stressors, while
good, have exacerbated my daily pain.
I know, however, God has a purpose in all He’s doing through me, so I’ve been
praying—each day—for an extra measure of strength and a momentary alleviation
of pain ... and He hears me.
Every day, He gives me strength for that day and even lifts the pain when I
need it.
You might think, "If God removes the pain temporarily, why not do so
permanently?" Good question. My only answer is because He continues to use
my pain to help refine me and encourage others. My prayer is that others see
how God strengthens me through the pain so they can know He'll help them as
Be confident in this: When you cry out to God, He hears you. He really does.
scripture: Psalm 6:6-7
I've been keeping a journal for going on 24 years now. When I start a new one
(I’m currently in #42), I try to read all previous journals again. It's a
wonderful way to see how God has worked in my life.
And it hasn't always been an easy life ...
When I was meditating on today's verses (neither of which seems very
encouraging), I was reminded of how often I've felt "weary with my
groaning ..." I've dealt with pain of one sort or another for 39 years,
and I often groan with pain. Yes, I even "drench my couch with
For years, I would whine and complain about how awful I felt. My journals were
filled with, "I hurt, Lord ... if it's Your will, please heal me."
For reasons known only to Him, God has chosen not to heal me ... but He has
worked a wonderful miracle: I rarely whine and complain any more. Yes, I still
write about days when I feel more pain than usual or am extra weary. However,
instead of asking "Why?," I merely ask Jesus to either hold my hand
more tightly ... or carry me through.
It's human to groan when we're in pain, but I've discovered that it doesn't
help anything to grumble and murmur ... No, part of truly dealing with pain is
to just give it to the Lord. I may not fully understand why I live this way. I
do know God has used my pain to help others, and for that, I'm grateful.
I also know that He continues to work in and through me refine me and make me
more like Jesus.
And so, I may still groan, I may still weep, but I also trust my loving Lord to
give me exactly what I need to get through each day.
If you're in pain today, lift your hand and say, "Jesus, will you hold my
hand more tightly?"
He will.
Today's scripture: Psalm 6:4-5
Many of the most touching, convicting, or poignant psalms are those
that are cries from the heart. Wednesday, as we began meditating on Psalm 6, we
cried out along with the psalmist.
Today's verses contain both a cry for deliverance and an heartfelt plea.
We only have one life to live—and our time on earth is so very brief. As I've
written a few times over the last few days, this world continues to grow
ever-darker. It's difficult to imagine it getting any worse ... and then it
I don't know about you, but I am longing for Christ's return with everything in
me. Without the hope of His return (or my leaving this earth to be with Him), I
would have no hope. None at all. And so, I cry the words, "Return, O Lord,
deliver me!"
Then we read that "heartfelt plea" in verse five: "... in death,
there is no remembrance of You ..." I have to admit that, at first, I
didn't quite get this. I believe that everyone, whether in heaven or hell, will
remember God. So, I referenced one of my favorite commentaries. Although the
language is older, the truth is clear. Matthew Henry writes:
Lord, if thou deliver me
and comfort me, I will not only give thee thanks for my deliverance, and stir
up others to join with me in these thanksgivings, but I will spend the new life
thou shalt entrust me with in thy service and to thy glory, and all the
remainder of my days I will preserve a grateful remembrance of thy favours to
me, and be quickened thereby in all instances of service to thee but, if I die, I shall be cut short of that
opportunity of honouring thee and doing good to others ... (emphasis mine)
I completely agree that, once I leave this earth, my ability
to reach others for Christ is gone. I cannot influence or encourage others to
know my precious Savior.
My heart is burdened for those who are seeking fulfillment in the world. With
enough "stuff," they think they can find hope and peace and joy. They
reject the God of the Bible and figure they'll find their own way to heaven—if
they even believe in heaven. They will never know the joy of a relationship with
Christ on earth.
Although I long for Christ's return and truly believe that "to die is
gain" (see Philippians 1:21), as long as I'm living, I can
"remember" God and share His truth with others.
scripture: Psalm 6:1-3
Some psalms offer comfort and peace, and others, like today's verses, well ... not so much. However, these verses are often true for me ... and
perhaps for you as well.
One of the many things I love about the psalms is their sometimes raw honesty.
The psalmists never hesitated to bare their hearts to God. It gives me the
confidence that I can cry out to Him when I'm suffering or in pain.
You can too.
Are you feeling weak and incapable? Cry out for His mercy.
Are you in pain or dealing with physical issues? Cry out for His healing (and
if, as in my case, the answer for healing appears to be "no," cry out
for peace and comfort in the pain).
Are you confused and unsure? Don't be afraid to share with Him how
"troubled" your soul is.
Are you wondering if your current storm will ever end? Ask Him "How
God may not answer your prayer for healing today. He may not reveal to you
exactly what His plan is for the foreseeable future. He may not tell you
exactly why things are happening the way they are.
But one thing I do know: If you cry out to Him, He will hear you. He will give
you peace even in times of pain and uncertainty. He will offer you grace and
mercy. He will walk beside you through dark valleys—and carry you when the road
gets especially rough.
Cry out to Him. Then feel His arms of love around you. He's there ... if you
only cry out to Him.
scripture: Psalm 5:11-12
Last year when we focused on the topic of joy, we learned that joy isn't
dependent on our circumstances. We can find joy (the fruit of the Spirit joy)
no matter what's going on because true joy is a state of the heart.
We can be joyful in the storm because we know Who is holding us. We can be
joyful in the pain because we serve the Great Physician, Jehovah-Rapha. We can
be joyful when everyone around us seems determined to steal our joy because we
trust in the God who is our shield.
Life isn't always easy ... and yes, that's an understatement. However, we can
still find joy in the confidence that our God wins the war. One day, we will be
with Him in heaven where there will be no pain or tears. We will spend eternity
in the arms of our Abba, our daddy. We will rejoice and praise Him forever.
We are abundantly blessed as followers of Christ. We are forgiven. We are given
grace and mercy. We are loved beyond our comprehension. We are given strength
to do as He wills.
Because we know the God of creation and have personal relationships with Him,
we can, indeed, rejoice.
Take a moment to thank God for His blessings. Ask Him to help you find the joy
regardless of the circumstance ... and then rejoice!
Today's scripture: Psalm 5:7-10
Wednesday focused on the wicked and evil ... the last two verses of today's
scripture do the same.
I don't want to focus on wickedness this morning, though, so I'm going to focus
on the first two verses instead (such is my prerogative as the writer!).
I've written before how I love the word "mercy." As we've seen
before, grace is receiving what we don't deserve, and mercy is not receiving what we do
Our God is so patient and loving. I may be the only Christ-follower who slips
up, who sometimes neglects time with the Lord, who battles habitual sin ...
but, I sense I'm not alone. Yes, the longer I walk with the Lord, the less
often I do these, but I still fail sometimes.
Yet, God continues to love me and bless me. Instead of the punishment I do deserve,
He showers me with good things. He protects me and gives me strength. He
provides for me and cares for my needs.
He guides my paths and gives me wisdom to make decisions. He allows me to serve
Him and others using the gifts He's given me.
I deserve His turning His back on this flawed, fleshly vessel, but He invites
me to climb on His lap and call Him, "Abba ... Daddy."
Ah, mercy.
Thank You, Lord God, for mercy. You
continue to bless me beyond expectation, beyond anything that I deserve. Help
me to serve You so that I can give You back even a fraction of what You've
given me. Thank you.
Today's scripture: Psalm 5:4-6
I wonder sometimes why Christ hasn't returned yet. For what is He waiting?
Verses like today's make it clear that He hates sin. It must break His heart
when He sees how perverted and corrupt His perfect creation has become.
Then I read about Noah and the flood, or about Sodom and Gomorrah. I reflect on
the book of Judges. I'm reminded that there is indeed "nothing new under
the sun" (Ecclesiastes 1:9).
This world has seen evil rulers and wicked citizens. "Workers of
iniquity" have abounded. "Bloodthirsty and deceitful men" have
walked this earth.
All since Adam and Eve made the fateful decision to control their lives instead
of letting the God of the universe do so.
God has waited through centuries of wickedness, so I shouldn't be surprised
that He lingers still. Yet, I can't help but wonder if the clock is winding
down. I certainly hope it is. There's nothing I want more than to leave this
earth and be in the presence of my Lord and Savior.
We cannot know the day of Christ's return; we can only strive to live each day
as though His return is imminent.
May it be so!
Today's scripture: Psalm 5:1-3
Growing up in church, I learned many of the old standards, such as "How
Great Thou Art" and "It Is Well With My Soul." I also learned
many (at least at the time) contemporary praise songs. Praise songs were a bit different
"in the day" from what they are today. They were more hymn-like, and
most seemed to come directly from scripture.
One that I loved was pulled from today's verses:
Give ear to my word, O Lord.
Consider my meditation.
Hearken unto the voice of my cry,
My King and my God.
For unto Thee will I pray.
Thy voice shall I hear in the morning.
Oh, Lord, in the morning,
Will I direct my prayer
Unto Thee and will look up. (KJV)
Putting God's word to music is a wonderful way to memorize its truths ... and
these verses certainly hold much truth.
God will always "give ear" and listen to my prayers ... and my cries.
When I listen, He will speak to me. When crises hit, I can look up to Him,
knowing He's there, just waiting for me to crawl on His lap.
There's one last truth that touches my heart:
My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord;In the morning I will direct it to You ...
In the morning ... in the morning.
I need to start each day, just talking with my Father God. Starting the day
with Him is the best way to keep my mind and heart on Him.
O Lord, this morning, I direct my
voice to You, knowing that You're listening.
scripture: Psalm 4:7-8
I am so very blessed. God has given me so much: a supportive husband, a nice
home, a reliable car, a loving family, a sweet dog, great friends, a job I
love (with the flexibility to do it from home), blessed ministries ... so very
He has indeed "put gladness in my heart."
I have great peace about my life even with my daily pain. I feel safe because I
know God is always with me (Hebrews 13:5). I know He has a plan for a hopeful
future (Jeremiah 29:11). I know He loves me unconditionally and everlastingly
(Jeremiah 33:3).
So often, as I wrote Wednesday, it's difficult to live in this very dark world.
Accidents happen. Health is compromised. Relationships sour. So much in this
world can make us feel very un-safe, un-peaceful.
When everything around us seems to be falling apart, when the bad guys seem to
be winning, then the only place to find safety and peace is in the arms of our
Abba Father—our Daddy.
When we crawl on His lap, He will fill our hearts with gladness. He will allow
us to "lie down in peace" (although, for some of us, the sleep part
might be a challenge!).
Truly, it really is He "alone ... [who] makes[s us] dwell in safety."
It's a safety that can only be found in the presence of the Almighty God.