Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Joy in the Morning! (Psalm 30:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 30:4-5

We have so many reasons to praise our Lord. Grace. Mercy. Love. Forgiveness. Provision. Protections ... and the list goes on.

So often, however, we get so caught up in our day-to-day struggles, we forget just how blessed we are.

So, it is so very important to remember how much God loves us. I know (for myself at least), I need to pause and meditate on all He is and all He has done.

I remember that He is my shelter, my banner, my strong tower. He offers me peace and comfort. He is my refuge in the storm.

He is holy and just. He desires a relationship with me—with me! He gives me strength to accomplish what He has called me to do ... even if it's just one moment at a time.

Then I'm reminded that any storm I face is only temporary. As the psalmist writes in today's scripture: "Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning." This could be literal, but I also believe it is a promise for the time when there truly will be no more death, crying, sorrow, or pain (see Revelation 21:4).

Indeed, in this world, we will trials and tribulations. Jesus Himself promised this. However, we who follow Him can be assured of one thing: He has already won the war (see John 16:33).

Joy absolutely will come in the morning!

Monday, October 29, 2018

When Healing Doesn't Come (Psalm 30:1-3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 30:1-3

Those of us with chronic health issues sometimes read verses like Psalm 30:2, and wonder ...

The psalmist writes, "O Lord my God, I cried out to You, and You healed me."

Healing is what most of us want just about more than anything else. Yet, for many of us, healing hasn't happened. Then we read or hear of other's being miraculously healed, and again we wonder ...

Why them? Why not me?

I'm not certain why God chooses to heal as He does. I do believe He often miraculously heals. A tumor disappears. A damaged nerve regenerates. A grieving family hears, "Against all odds, your son (or daughter or mother or father) is going to be fine."

I also believe God uses gifted medical professionals to help in the healing process.

I also believe, however, that some of us—for reasons known only to our Lord—will experience healing only after this earthly life ends. Only in that new heaven and new earth will we feel healthy and whole. Indeed, we can be assured: "There shall be no more pain ..."

Yes, I'd certainly like to be healed of any one of the chronic health issues with which I deal. I'd like to have just one moment with no pain. I'd like not to feel this tremendous fatigue.

So, I do ask God for healing, and if not, then I pray for comfort, peace, and strength ... Just for today.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Strength and Peace (Psalm 29:10-11)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 29:10-11

One day, we will stand before the throne of Almighty God. All people, whether they committed their lives to Jesus, will one day kneel at His feet.

One day.

But until then, those of us who are children of the Most High God through faith and belief in the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ can be assured that God “will give strength to His people.”

I love promises like this. When I have no strength of my own, I’m confident that He will give me strength. I’ve experienced this very strength the last few weeks. It’s been an unusually hectic time with work and rehearsals and performances for a play I was in. There were many days when I had little strength, but God brought me through!

There’s a second promise in verse 11, though: God will “bless His people with peace.”

I write a lot about peace. We who are God’s children can really have a peace that surpasses understanding (Phil. 4:7). It’s true. Along with that strength God gave me lately, He gave me peace that covered stress.

He’s a good God! Yes, one day we’ll stand before His throne, but we can enjoy strength and peace while we linger here on earth.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Voice of the Lord (Psalm 29:3-9)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 29:3-9

Our Lord God is powerful. After all, He created all there is.

At the sound of His voice, the earth formed. The stars filled the sky. The sun was set in place.

At the sound of His voice, water flowed in its banks or beat against its shores.

At the sound of His voice, birds flew. Animals walked.

At the sound of His voice, man breathed.

Our almighty God’s voice spoke then.

And He speaks now. He speaks in quiet whispers. He speaks through His word. He speaks through the counsel of godly men and women.

The question is: Do we listen?

God’s voice can make mountains to stand, and it can soothe our souls.

Listen to His voice.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Give the Lord Glory (Psalm 29:1-2)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 29:1-2

How often do we really spend time in praise and worship, offering glory to the Lord God Almighty?

He is Creator, Redeemer, Savior. Protector and Provider. Our strength. Our shield. Our refuge.

He is in all, above all, around all.

He is everything. Everything.

But, how often do we just worship Him on Sundays during church. Or maybe during a Bible study. Or maybe during our quiet time.

What do we do the other hours in the day? In the week?

He is worthy of all our worship, honor, and praise. We should wake up each morning and praise Him. We should worship throughout the day.

We should, indeed, give Him the “glory due His name.”

All the time.

Friday, October 19, 2018

My Saving Refuge (Psalm 28:8-9)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:8-9

So many times, I have no strength of my own. Chronic illness saps my energy. Poor sleep makes me even groggier than usual (which is pretty groggy ...). Unknowns about the next steps of life's journey cause uncertainty.

Nope. No strength.

How blessed I am that I don't have to rely on my own strength because I serve the all-powerful God of the universe! He is my strength. He is my "saving refuge." I don't have to do this on my own!

I honestly don't know how those who aren't in relationship with God handle life. Really. I don't.

Trying to rely on my own strength (which we've already determined is nonexistent) is impossible. Having to rely on someone else? Well, first, that puts a lot of pressure on that "someone else." Second, what happens when he is out of strength? On whom then can either of us rely?

No. I don't have to be strong on my own nor do I have to rely on another's strength. I serve God, the all-powerful One. The one who gives me strength, who walks alongside me every day ... and carries me when what little strength I have gives out.

The Lord is my strength ... my saving refuge.

Praise Him!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

My Strength and Shield (Psalm 28:6-7)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:6-7

How often do you feel under attack? By so-called friends? By your boss? By those unseen forces (Ephesians 6:12)?

How often do you feel weak? By illness? By stress?

You are not alone. Never. The God of the universe will cover you with His strength. He will help you through each and every moment of difficulty. He will walk alongside you ... and carry you when you can't take another step.

You can trust Him fully and completely. You can rejoice in His daily care. You can praise and worship Him.

He loves you more than you can possibly imagine. He will shower you with peace and joy, if only you seek Him.

Bless His holy name. 

Monday, October 15, 2018

Share the Truth! (Psalm 28:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:4-5

God has revealed Himself to seeking hearts and minds. Through His creation. Through the testimony of men and women.

Yet, tragically many refuse to acknowledge Him as the one true God. They deny His work. They scoff at His words. They choose to live just as they please.

One day, though, everyone will stand before the throne of God. Each and every person will hear either, "Well done, good and faithful servant" (Matthew 25:21, 23), or "I don't know you" (Luke 13:27). He will reward those who have committed their lives to Him, and He will judge those who refused Him.

This world is winding down, and I believe the day of Christ's return is close. We who follow Christ need to be diligent about living for Him. We need to surrender to Him each and every day. We need to seek His purpose and His ill.

Ever more, we need to share His truth with others. We need to look for moments to share our stories. We need to help those who are seeking Him to find Him.

It's all that really matters. 

Friday, October 12, 2018

Mask-wearers ... (Psalm 28:3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:3

We hear a lot about hypocrites, both inside and outside of the church. You know ... those people who say one thing and do something else. Or they wear a godly mask while underneath, they're harboring resentment or hatred for another.

It's hard dealing with those "who speak peace to their neighbors, but evil is in their hearts." We can't read minds, so we can't always know another's motive. We can only love even our enemies.

When we come across those two-faced folks, we can still love them. We can show them patience and mercy. We can offer grace even when they hurt us. We can be hospitable. We can be Jesus to them.

Yes, it's not easy to interact with those who have evil intentions, but we can trust our Maker and know that, one day, He will judge all men for their actions on earth.

One day, those who have hurt us will stand before God's throne and give an account of what we did for Him—and against others. God will judge fairly and righteously. In the meantime, let's do our best to not be like those two-faced people. Instead, let's do our best to be peacemakers.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

When God Seems Silent (Psalms 28:1-2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:1-2

I know I've written about this before, but I love the fact that God listens to me when I call. He hears my cries and revels in my praises.

There are times, though, when I feel His silence. He doesn't seem to be answering ... perhaps He isn't even hearing me.

Whenever I have these thoughts, I shut them down right away (sometimes, it may take a moment or two while I have a private pity party!). Why? It's because I have confidence that He hears my cries, just as He heard David's cry.

Every time David prayed, whether in joy or in anguish, He was certain his God was listening. I can have that same certainty, and so can you.

Just because God seems silent doesn't mean that He is. He may be waiting quietly for us to acknowledge His presence. He may be waiting for His timing. He may be asking us to be patient and just trust Him.

No matter the reason, we need to always come to His throne with our cries and praises.

He will answer ... in His time and according to His purpose.

Monday, October 08, 2018

Growth in the Wait (Psalm 27:14)

Today's scripture: Psalm 27:14

Waiting ... one of my least favorite things to do. I don't really like waiting in traffic (which, praise God, I don't have to do much of these days 😊), waiting in line at the grocery store, or waiting for a doctor's appointment. I'd much rather do than wait.

However, quite often, God asks us to wait. Wait for answered prayer. Wait for direction. Wait for a revelation of His will.

That's not easy for many of us ...

The thing I love most about today's verse is that through the waiting comes growth. We become stronger in the wait. We learn to trust Him more. We learn to stay calm in the storm. We learn to see how His plans are always better than our own.

I've been praying for years for something near and dear to my heart. I believe God continues to ask me to wait. As I've waited through the years, I've come to rely more and more on God, trusting Him to work everything out according to His plan and His purpose. And I know, because He's asked me to wait in the past, He will answer my prayer one day.

I can wait, with confidence and courage, growing stronger in faith every day.

Friday, October 05, 2018

His Goodness in the Land of the Living (Psalm 27:11-13)

Today's scripture: Psalm 27:11-13

I so often resonate with verse 13 of today's reading:
I would have lost heart, unless I had believedThat I would see the goodness of the LordIn the land of the living.
So often, I despair of the deterioration of this world. I'm often overwhelmed by the pain and suffering of those around me ... and sometimes by my own pain.

If it weren't for the confidence I have that my God has a purpose in all things, that He has a plan for my life, that He is in loving control, I would certainly "lose heart."

For every moment of despair, there is a splash of joy. A phone call from friend. A long hug from my husband. An adoring look from my fur-baby. The song of a bird in my own backyard.

For every story of catastrophe, there is a reminder of good in many of us. A father writes of his hopes for his children. A random act of kindness. A selfless contribution to a cause.

God is still demonstrating His goodness throughout our world. There is still beauty to behold, creation to admire, and people to love.

Yes, we could "lose heart," but if we serve the one true God, we can see His "goodness in the land of the living."

Wednesday, October 03, 2018

The Face of Almighty God (Psalm 27:6-10)

Today's scripture: Psalm 27:6-10

It's a mystery.

The Almighty God, creator of the universe, wants to reveal Himself to me. To flawed, sinful, rebellious me ...

Just astounding.

I don't believe in living in regret. Once I recommitted myself to the Lord and asked for His forgiveness for my willfulness and sin, He forgave me. He cleansed me completely. So, I can't wallow in guilt.

There are still times, however, when I look back at what I was, how I purposefully turned my back on God, believing He didn't really love me. I think about the choices I made, the paths I chose.

It's during those times when I humbly come to God in complete gratitude for His love and grace ... and then I marvel that I can come to Him. I can call out to Him. I can lift my voice in praise. I can trust in His protection and provision.

All because He loves me enough to allow me to seek His face.

The face of Almighty God.

Monday, October 01, 2018

Dwell in the House of the Lord (Psalm 27:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 27:4-5

On Friday, we talked about why we don't have to fear. I ended the devotional by saying that even if man takes my life, I still don't need to fear because I'd be in the arms of my Savior.

Today, the psalmist echoes a longing in my heart: to "dwell in the house of the Lord ..." In context, he's writing about dwelling with Lord in spirit while still on earth. But I imagine he's also thinking about dwelling with the Lord for eternity.

That's what resonates with me.

I think that people who suffer from chronic health issues may imagine being with Jesus even more than those who don't. Because I long to be pain-free (and it doesn't seem like God's plan includes my being pain-free on earth), I so look forward to heaven where one day there will be no more pain (Revelation 21:4).

I can hardly wait for the time when I can "behold the beauty of the
Lord." I eagerly anticipate seeing His face, being in His presence.

And, "I will dwell in the house of the
Lord forever" (Psalm 23:6).
