Saturday, April 07, 2007

Happy Easter!

He is risen . . . He is risen indeed!

Last night, many of the members of my church solemnly reflected upon our Lord Jesus' sacrificial death. A video was played that showed clips from The Passion of the Christ, and I was reminded yet again that Jesus didn't just die on that cross, but He also experienced torture and suffering beyond anything most of us will ever experience.

It's Saturday, and I look forward to tomorrow's celebrations.

I wonder sometimes what Saturday was like for His followers. They'd either witnessed firsthand--or had heard from others--the brutal treatment of their Lord, their Teacher. They'd
watched Him die--or at the very least, experienced the darkened sky and felt the earthquake.

This wasn't how it was supposed to be.

He was supposed to be their conquering King. He was supposed to lead them to victory.

Now He was lifeless in a tomb. Oh, how bleak Saturday must have been. They didn't know what we do.

Sunday was coming!

As you celebrate the marvelous reality of Jesus' resurrection tomorrow, I pray that you will spend a moment or two in silent gratitude for what Jesus did for us. Reflect on His amazing love for us.

For . . .

He is risen . . . He is risen indeed!

1 comment:

A mom said...

Easter to me represents a new beginning. It is hope at its best...with Spring in full bloom, everything seems so promising.

God's love is given to us and all we have to do is accept it. No strings attached.

God is amazing.
