Tuesday, April 03, 2007

A Picture of Faith

There are times when our faith can be shaken.

An illness threatens our life.

A loved one is lost.

A catastrophe hits.

It's sometimes hard to remember that God is infinitely faithful even when it doesn't seem to be so. Sometimes, what helps me to remember is to look back at how He's taken me through difficult times. Another thing that helps me is to recall how others have been able to make it through the difficult times with their faith intact.

A picture of faith that helps to sustain my faith is one of my paternal grandmother. She was a woman who walked her faith every day of her life, even through the difficult times. She loved her Lord, and she looked forward to the day when she could spend eternity with Him.

My maternal grandfather was the same. After he passed away, we found notes in his office of how he'd prayed for people every day of his life. That life wasn't perfect. He faced the challenge of having a child who chose a very different path; that choice caused my grandfather considerable pain. But, in spite of the hard times, my grandpa's faith never wavered.

Do you have a picture of faith? Something you can look to when your own faith is challenged or weakened?

If you don't, find one. Read about someone from the past or the present who has demonstrated faith under fire. Learn from her. Be inspired.

Take a picture and keep it close.

1 comment:

A mom said...

Today, I needed this message. Thank you.
I've been reading your posts and they are awesome....
