Tuesday, October 02, 2007

He Knows Our Needs

I have a little "blessing box" on my desk, and as I thumbed through the verses, I came across Matthew 6:8. The Kings James Bible says, "Your Father knoweth what things ye have need of, before ye ask Him."

Now, I don't usually read the King James Bible (although I do like the New King James Version), but every once in a while, I like to read the poetry that comes from the old language. My Father knoweth my needs . . . I like how that flows.

But no matter what the version, this verse is a wonderful reminder that God knows my needs. I don't even have to ask Him; He just knows them.

There's something that catches my heart in this verse, though. This verse speaks to needs, not wants. My husband reminds me that we only need air, food, water, and shelter. Everything else is icing.

But isn't it great that God wants to provide for our needs, but He also wants to give us blessings beyond needs? Matthew 7:7-12 speaks of our being able to ask God for anything (remembering that we need to ask within His will), and He will provide, and verse 12 reminds us that our "Father in heaven [will] give good things to those who ask Him!"

What a wonderful thing to know that we are His children. We are His beloved sons and daughters! And like a loving Father, He'll take care of our needs and bless us beyond our expectations!!

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