Sunday, October 05, 2008

God's Good Work in Me

I don't know about you, but I feel far from complete. There are days when I wonder how God can have any patience with me as I come to him (again) with the same prayer (again). I've really been struggling with my health, and I wake up every morning praying for strength for the day. And every day, He answers that prayer.

But some days, I can feel sorry for myself. On better days, I remember that everything I experience is part of God's good work in my life.

My favorite book in the Bible (I may have mentioned this before!) is Philippians. There is so much richness in this short epistle, so many truths. And some of my life verses are contained in it.

Paul starts this letter, as he does many of his others, with a greeting for grace and peace for his recipients. He thanks God for them. Then in verses 4-6, he writes, ". . . always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy, for your fellowship of the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ."

We children of God are works in progress. He is perfecting us, completing us. I've written before about being refined, and I know that trials, pain, suffering, difficulties all are part of that process. And if I want to be complete in Christ, I have to be willing to experience whatever God wills.

So this morning, as I prayed for strength (again), I could do so with that same confidence that Paul had, knowing that God is doing His good work in me and that I will one day be completed, either when He chooses to take me home or when Christ returns.

Thank You, Lord God, for Your refining work. Thank You for Your perfecting work. I pray that You'll fill our hearts with confidence of Your good work. Help us to remember that, as long as we live in Your will, everything we experience will lead us closer to being completed in Jesus Christ.

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