Thursday, August 27, 2009

Another Challenge

A few weeks ago, I offered a "simple" challenge to my few, but faithful readers!

I have another--possibly more difficult--challenge for you today. Or should I say, I'm inviting you to join me as I continue to strive to become the woman God created me to be.

I've mentioned before that I read a daily devotional from In Touch Ministries. And I was really, really convicted when I read today's.

The focus for the last few days has been Elijah's journey of faith as described in 1 Kings. Today, part of the Bible reading was 1 Kings 18:21 where Elijah says, point blank, to the people of Israel, "Whom are you going to serve? You know about God of Israel, the one who continually saved your forefathers, and now there's this false god. Are you going to serve the God you know to be true, or this other one?" (This is my paraphrase.) In a tragic understatement, the people were silent.

Choosing the true God or an idol.

I know today we don't often think of choosing between an idol and God. We think about idols as being small figures we have on a shrine, and few of us actually have such a thing.

But what about this definition? "When we depend on--or give priority--to anything besides the Lord, it becomes our god." (In Touch, 8.27.09, emphasis mine)

Hmmm. Anything besides God.

So I had to ask myself:

* Do I "cherish the gift rather than the Giver"?
* Do I "reserve a part of each day for God"?
* Do I keep my focus fully on God and seek His will--every day?

I want to answer yes to each of these questions. I want to, but I can't always.

"If we really believe that the God of the Bible is the only true God, we ought to give Him our whole life, follow Him faithfully, and serve Him with all our gifts and abilities." (In Touch, 8.27.09)

I do really believe, so I pray: "Lord God, please reveal to me anything--anything--that I'm putting above You. Help me to cherish You. Convict me to spend part of each day with You. Draw my focus fully on You. And do Your will in me, today and every day."

That's my challenge to myself. Join me if you choose.


inSide mY miNd said...

Thank you Aunt Sauni for your words of wisdom and insight. Lately, I've been struggling with not trusting God with everything especially the money issues I've been facing recently. Thank you for this challenge of relying on God, who is faithful and true.

Sauni Rinehart said...

I'm glad you were encouraged, Tim. I'm praying for you!