Monday, August 03, 2009

Exceeding (Unexpected) Expectations

I'm sitting in the airport in Charlotte, NC, having just finished a wonderful weekend. I visited my brother and his family, had coffee with a friend I hadn't seen in about 15 years, and had an amazing time at the She Speaks conference.

I have to admit, I came on this trip with expectations. And some of those expectations were met. I had a great time with my family. I loved reconnecting with my friend. I enjoyed the beauty of one of my favorite places on earth (it's just so wonderfully green here!).

Then came the conference. I came with certain expectations for that as well. And my original expectations were met.

I learned about marketing my speaking ministry more effectively.

I connected with other women throughout the US who have a similar calling on their heart and made friends with a couple who will probably become true friends.

I had a chance to meet with a couple of publishers about a writing project, and at least, they're interested in seeing proposals.

Yes, those expectations were met.

But then a couple of expectations I didn't even know I had were not just met. They were exceeded--amazingly so.

The Lord used a couple of presenters to truly break my heart--in a good way. I spent time (more than once) on my knees, in tears. It was a blessing beyond, well, expectations.

I recognized yet again how great God is, and how weak and inadequate I am. And the fact that He chooses to use this flawed vessel to do His will is so humbling.

I don't know what the future will bring. None of us do. But what a blessing it is to know that He knows.

To all my sisters who attended this conference, to all my sisters who've felt God's calling on their hearts to serve Him in any way . . . I pray for you. I pray your dreams will be exceeded beyond your (perhaps unexpected!) expectations.


Beverlydru said...

Great post. Brought tears to my eyes. I wasn't a the conference but will be some day. Lots of dreams! (I came over from Lysa's)

faithWalker said...

Sauni - my new friend! :) Great post. My mind and my heart are still sifting it all out. I'm sure I will be for quite awhile.

Connecting with you was definitely a highlight!

Sweetest blessings,
Deb - your new MN friend