Friday, September 18, 2009

Staying in Bed

You know those days when you wake up and wish you could just pull the covers over your head and just stay in bed?

I've had quite a few of those days lately. I've been feeling pretty lousy the last four weeks (a severe flare up), and I've pretty much wanted to crawl into bed and hibernate . . . for a really long time.

Of course, this isn't possible. Life continues even when I don't want it to.

I've been learning a lot about trusting God over the last few months, and He continues to use my chronic health issues to keep me focused on Him. I don't always like it--right now, in fact, I've been praying that I'll just learn the lesson so I don't have to have this daily pain.

But there's a purpose in everything. I have to believe that.

Anyway, back to the wanting to stay in bed. I was going over one of the talks I'm giving at a retreat in October, and I read a verse that kind of gives me permission to do just that.

Psalm 4:4b tells me to "Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still."

Hey! I can do that!

Seriously, even in the midst of any pain or crises, I need to make sure I'm meditating on God's word. And the being still part? Physically, it's almost a given. I'm pretty still these days. But I know it means more than just being prone on my bed. It's being still in God's presence, something I need to do more of.

But, I do love it that I can meditate on God's word and be still in His presence. All without even leaving my bed.

In fact, I think I may just head upstairs early tonight and spend some time with God--before I pull those covers over my head.

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