Saturday, October 24, 2009

Hard Pressed

My favorite book in the Bible is Philippians. There are so many wonderful verses of affirmation or conviction or encouragement.

I love the reminder that I'm a work in progress (1:6), that I can do all things through Christ (4:13), that He'll give me a peace beyond understanding (4:7).

Two of my life verses (3:13-14) come from this book.

Lately, though, my heart has been resonating with a handful of verses from chapter one. You're probably familiar with these verses, but maybe you, like me, can relate more and more with them as this world continues its downward spiral.

In chapter one, verses 12-18, Paul writes about the confidence he has that everything that's happened to him has been for a purpose: so that Christ is preached (v. 18).

Paul goes on to pray that he will never be ashamed of sharing the truth of Christ and that his Savior would always be "magnified . . . whether by life or by death. For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain" (vv. 20b-21).

He recognizes that as long as he remains on earth, it's because God has a purpose in his remaining, and he's content to remain. But he makes his heart very clear . . . and this is where my heart resonates.

"For I am hard-pressed between the two, having a desire to depart and be with Christ, which is far better" (v. 23).

I mean, I'm perfectly content to continue to do God's work here on earth, but more and more I know that this world really isn't my home (to paraphrase from an old gospel song). My heart longs more and more for my real home, that place where I really belong (3:20).

Can you relate?

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