If ... then ... scenarios permeate our lives, don't they?
As children, we hear:
If you clean your room, then you'll get ice cream.
Then it's:
If you get good grades, then you'll get into a good college.
As we grow older, we're told:
If you work hard, then you'll earn enough to retire.
Or how about:
If you promise to love me 'til death us do part, then I'll promise the same.
And finally:
If you take care of your health, then you'll live to an old age.
Conditions. Requirements. You scratch my back; I'll scratch yours. You give something, and you'll get something.
Even God has "if ... then ..." scenarios.
Throughout the Old Testament, God said time and time again to His chosen people, "If you obey me, then I'll ..."
He'd provide. He'd protect. He'd be gracious. He'd conquer their enemies. He'd be merciful. He'd bless.
He makes the same promises today. All He asks is that we obey Him. All He asks is that we read and follow His commandments He gave us through His word. All He asks is that we trust Him.
And since He's the Creator of all things, He has every right to ask.
If we obey Him, then He'll do all those things He promised to the people of Israel.
I don't know about you, but I really like knowing that if I obey Him and His commands, He'll protect me. He'll provide for me. He'll bless me. In and through every situation.
If you want to have that same assurance, then obey Him. Follow Him.
Trust Him.
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