Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our Gracious God (Ps. 67:1-2)

God be gracious to us and bless us,
And cause His face to shine upon us—Selah.
That Your way may be known on the earth,
Your salvation among all nations.

(Psalm 67:1-2, NASB)

I just love the idea of grace—unmerited favor. Our loving, sovereign Father loves us so very much that He had a plan for our salvation based on grace. There’s nothing we can do to work for or strive for salvation. It’s only through the gracious gift of the Son’s death for all our sins that we’re in communion with the Father.

What a truly amazingly gracious God!

God continues to be gracious to His children. He blesses us as He meets our daily needs. (Not wants, mind you. Needs.) Sometimes His grace showers us with overwhelming blessing—the birth of a child, a perfect job. Sometimes He may send a splash of grace—the sun sending streams of light through the clouds or a phone call from a friend at just the right time.

And what are we to do in return? Serve Him, certainly. Show our gratitude through prayer and worship. But even more, we are to make certain His “way may be known on the earth.” It is our privilege to share the truth of God’s grace. We cannot hoard this truth and keep it to ourselves. And why would we want to? Living under God’s grace, feeling His hand of blessing. We should want nothing more than to help others to find this amazing grace.

Jesus said we cannot hide our light under a basket (Matt. 5:14-15). We are the light of Christ as God’s grace flows through us. May we shine for the world to see.

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