The king and Haman went to Esther's dinner, and while they were drinking wine, the king asked her, "What can I do for you? Just ask, and I will give you as much as half of my kingdom." Esther replied, "Your Majesty, if you really care for me and are willing to do what I want, please come again tomorrow with Haman to the dinner I will prepare for you. At that time I will answer Your Majesty's question."
(Esther 5:6-8, CEV)
I’ve often wondered why Esther asks for another dinner party rather than just tell the king what she wants. After all, he again tells her he’ll give her whatever she wants—even up to half his kingdom.
Is she fearful? Is she worried how he will respond?
Or is she laying a plot of her own? I imagine her reclining at the table and watching Haman preen in the presence of the king and queen. I see her spending the evening with Haman and really see his ego in full force. And I wonder if she decides to do a little cat and mouse herself.
She knows Haman is responsible for the plot against her people. She knows he would like nothing more than to see all Jews wiped out. And here he is, eating with one of them—and he doesn’t suspect a thing.
I have to think that the human side of Esther is a bit smug as she continues the plan of salvation for her people.
I know I would be.
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