But we request of you, brethren, that you appreciate those who diligently labor among you, and have charge over you in the Lord and give you instruction, and that you esteem them very highly in love because of their work.
(1 Thessalonians 5:12-13a, NASB)
Being a pastor is often a thankless job. Most men and women who have been called to teach or preach God’s word on a regular basis work very hard—harder than we who sit in pews each week know.
They study God’s word diligently. They research. They write sermons. They practice and practice in order to seamlessly share the words God has given them.
They visit the housebound or those in hospitals. They counsel. They attend committee meetings. They supervise staff.
Oh, and they usually strive to maintain strong marriages and to raise their children to know and follow God.
And the same is true of those who teach Sunday school, or lead our youth or our children. Or those who are called to speak at events.
Yet how often do we who are the recipients of their dedicated work thank them? I know I usually just take the efforts of my pastor for granted. I do the same for the teaching leader of my women’s Bible study. I do pray for those in Christian leadership regularly. But a personal “thanks for what you do”?
Now I believe that most of preachers and teachers aren't looking for accolades—not at all. They’re doing what God has called them to do. But a “thank you” or “God spoke to me through you” goes a long way.
I think I’m going to send a message of encouragement to these servants of God. Why don’t you do the same for those who “labor among you” and “give you instruction”?
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