Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take away the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute? May it never be! Or do you not know that the one who joins himself to a prostitute is one body with her? For He says, “THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH.”
(1 Corinthians 6:15-16, NASB)
I believe one of the saddest commentaries of this present age is the ease with which people treat sex. What God created as an intimate experience to be contained within the confines of marriage has become a commodity, a throw-away.
One night stands. Multiple partners. “Friends with benefits.”
It just breaks my heart.
Sex is more than just an act of pleasure or release. Two people, when they engage in sex—which includes oral sex, by the way—become, as the Bible says, “one flesh.” They exchange bodily fluids, and part of each becomes part of the other.
But it’s more than just physical. Sex, as its very best, brings an emotional bond that should be unbreakable. One definition of "intimate" is “belonging to or characterizing one's deepest nature.” Being sexually intimate with someone should mean becoming “one flesh”: body, soul, and mind.
And yet, even in the Christian community, people seem to think it’s okay to have sex outside of marriage. It’s “old-fashioned” to remain a virgin until marriage, they say. Now, to be honest, I wasn’t a virgin when I was married, and I’d had one other partner besides my husband. But it was during a very lengthy rebellion against my God, and at least I acknowledged that did was sinful. I just did it anyway.
Today, however, it seems like young Christians don’t even think it’s wrong. They’ve bought into the world’s lies that sex is just one more thing to do.
And it’s not. Not in the way God intended, at least.
We need to return to God’s original plan. We need to “leave and cleave” in marriage, and treat sex with the dignity and intimacy that God intended.
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