Tuesday, December 11, 2012

It's No Burden (1 John 5:2-3)

Today's scripture: 1 John 5:2-3
Throughout this small book, John has been reiterating two key thoughts: loving God means loving others and loving God means keeping His commandments. If we claim to be His children, we will do both.

What I love about verse three, though, is John has added a bit of reassurance: God’s “commandments aren’t burdensome.”

So many people seem to think that following Christ means giving up all the “fun” of life. Don’t do this. Don’t do that. Walk the narrow path.

On paper, it does sound restrictive and, may I even say, boring. But that’s not what being a child of God is all about. It’s seeing God work. It’s experiencing true joy and peace in the midst of pain and tragedy. It’s being God’s hands and feet to those in need. It’s feeling a genuine love for others.

When you truly follow Christ, when you truly give your life completely to the Father, then following God’s commandments really isn’t “burdensome.” Rather, it is freeing. When I’m able to say with a sincere heart, “Whatever You choose to do, Lord God,” I know my loving God will do His work through me.

I can love and serve Him. I can love and serve others. I can follow His commandments.

And none of it is burdensome.

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