Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Finding Joy (Psalm 100:1-3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 100:1-3

Some of my dearest friends are finding it hard to be joyful these days. Even early in 2014, they're facing difficulties and pain and challenges. Some of these issues are recent; for others, the struggles have continued for weeks ... or years.

ractured relationships. Fragile finances. Failing health.

Many seem to be surrounded by very dark clouds. Where’s the rainbow? Or the silver lining? Will the sun ever shine through?

It’s hard sometimes to see any light through the shadows, but when I read these verses, I remember something very, very important. My joy doesn’t come from circumstances. It doesn’t come from sunny skies. It doesn’t come from my stuff. It doesn’t come from a paycheck. It doesn’t even come from my relationships.

My joy comes from one place, and one place only: the assurance that I am God’s. I am His daughter. And He loves me.

And while I may not know exactly what’s around the corner, I can joyfully shout. I can serve Him with gladness. I can praise Him with singing.

Because I know that He is God.

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