Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Be My Helper (Psalm 30:6-10)

Today's scripture: Psalm 30:6-10

Many, many times, I have echoed the words of one of today's verses: "Hear, O Lord, and have mercy on me; Lord, be my helper!"

I've written over the last couple days of how I'd love to be healed of my earthly afflictions. I would love to have no pain. I would love to have energy. I would love not to be so very, very weary.

Yet, at least for now, God's answer to my prayer for healing is, "Trust Me, my child. Rely on Me for your daily strength." Many mornings, I wake up and ask Jesus to hold my hand more tightly, giving me just enough strength for that day. (Chronic health issues do certainly make a person live just one day at a time!)

I do cry out for God's mercy and help, and He answers that prayer ... every time.

I wrote not too long ago about how I sometimes have the privilege of performing with a small faith-based community theater and how God often supernaturally carries me through my time on stage. I am still be fighting some weird sinus thing, and my daily pain has been more than usual. Yet, this past weekend, I cried out for God's mercy and help, and again, He brought me through each performance.

I'm sure I've written this before, but it bears repeating: God always, always answers our prayers when we pray for His will and purpose. In my case, His purpose seems to include my poor health. Yet, even on the most difficult days, I know I can cry out for His mercy and help, and He will answer that prayer ... with a resounding, "Yes!"

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