Tuesday, June 03, 2014

Hope in Him (Psalm 42:5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 42:5

I honestly don't know how anyone lives without the hope that comes from Jesus Christ. Waking up every morning without the confidence that a loving God is in control and has a plan for my life, for my pain ... I wouldn't want to go on living.

However, even though I believe with everything I am that God has a purpose for my pain, there are days when my soul is "cast down" and "disquieted." There are days when the world and all its "junk" attempt to steal my joy and peace.

It's on those days that I draw even closer to the Lord, when I spend more time in His word and in prayer. I praise Him even more through the difficult days. On those days, I remember those verses that remind me of God's love for me (Jeremiah 31:3; John 3:16), that He has a plan for my life (Jeremiah 29:11-13), that He is always with me (Hebrews 13:5), that He will give me peace and hope (Romans 5:1-6), that He will always work even the most difficult situations for good (Romans 8:28), and that I will one day be with Him in heaven—pain-free (Revelation 21:3-4).

Yes, days will come when I the pain and weariness of this tired, decaying body will "cast down" my soul. There are days when the cares of this world will "disquiet" me.  No matter what, though, I will find my hope in God. I will praise Him as I seek His face.

I will make it through those days ... one day at a time.

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