Friday, July 11, 2014

Our Lord Is Near (Psalm 145:18-19)

Today's scripture: Psalm 145:18-19

These verses are full of encouragement for my heart and soul.

So many faiths serve a distant god—or gods, in some cases. They believe in a being that may have created the world, but isn't interested in our day-to-day. We who follow in the God of the Bible, however, believe He is personal and deeply involved in each moment of our every day.

We know He is near to us and He hears us when we call to Him. He never leaves us, never forsakes us (Hebrews 13:5). He knows our every need and listens to each cry of our hearts (Psalm 5:2; 9:12; 17:1; 18:6).

Isn't that amazing? The God of the universe is with you? Never leaving your side? When you cry out to Him, He listens. He answers.

He also will fulfill the desires of our hearts. This is where some people can get confused, though. They read verses like Psalm 37:4 and say, "Well, I delight in the Lord, so I should be getting everything I desire." Then, if they don't, they say God doesn't keep His promises. This is why reading verses in context is so important. Because if they read on to verse 5, they'll see that they're supposed to "commit [their] way" to Him and trust in Him.

It's only when we fully commit our lives to Him, surrendering everything to Him that He will give us the desires of our hearts—because His desires will become our desires. We will seek His will, and indeed that He will do.

We serve a personal God who has revealed Himself in part through His creation and through His word. He is ever-present and all-loving. And He delights in giving us good things to His children (James 1:17).

Thank Him today. Praise Him for His presence and for His work in your life.

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