Friday, October 24, 2014

Two-Faced Folks (Psalm 28:3)

Today's scripture: Psalm 28:3

We hear a lot about hypocrites, both inside and outside of the church. You know ... those people who say one thing and do something else. Or they wear a godly mask while underneath, they're harboring resentment or hatred for another.

It's hard dealing with those "who speak peace to their neighbors, but evil is in their hearts." We can't read minds, so we can't always know another's motive. We can only, as I mentioned a couple of days ago, love even our enemies.

When we come across those two-faced folks, we can still love them. We can show them patience and mercy. We can offer grace even when they hurt us. We can be hospitable. We can be Jesus to them.

Yes, it's not easy to interact with those who have evil intentions, but we can trust our Maker and know that, one day, He will judge all men for their actions on earth.

One day, those who have hurt us will stand before God's throne and give an account of what we did for Him—and against others. God will judge fairly and righteously. In the meantime, let's do our best to not be like those two-faced people. Instead, let's do our best to be peacemakers.

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