Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Just Like Paul (1 Corinthians 4:8-13)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 4:8-13

I am continually amazed at Paul’s deep love for Christ and his unwavering faith. Many places in his epistles, he wrote of the suffering he endured as a follower of Christ. But he faithfully followed his Lord anyway.

In today’s verses, he wrote of being a fool for Christ, about his weaknesses, and about being dishonored.

He was hungry, thirsty, poorly clothed. He was “roughly treated … homeless.”

And yet, he didn’t complain. He continued to follow God’s call on his life.

Look at how he handled adversity:

~He blessed those who reviled him.

~He endured when he was persecuted.

~He attempted reconciliation when others slandered him.

Do we handle things in the same way? Frankly? I’ve never been hungry or thirsty or poorly clothed. I’ve always had a home. I’ve never really been mistreated because of my faith.

I don’t know if God will ever ask me to live through such adversity, such suffering, such pain, but I pray that, if He does, I will be just like Paul.

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