Tuesday, June 23, 2015

He Died for All (2 Corinthians 5:14-16)

Today's scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:14-16

“He died for all …” All means … well, all.

He died for all people, regardless of gender, cultural background, race, socio-economic status.


He was willing to take the sin of each and every one of us on Himself so that we might live. He suffered from betrayal and denial, beatings and ridicule, desertion … for all of us.

And how do we respond to such an amazing, selfless gift?

So many of us respond by saying, “Thanks, Jesus,” and then we go on our merry way, living however we choose. We continue down our selfish paths, doing our own thing. Oh, every once and a while, we pray or we crack open the Bible. But mostly, we’re living for ourselves.

When we accept the gift of Jesus Christ’s sacrifice, our lives should change. We should be living for Him at all times. In fact, we should be almost unrecognizable to those around us. We should be so loving and humble and kind and joyful that people look at us and say, “What’s different about them? I’m not sure, but I want what they have.”

Instead, because we’re so focused on condemning others or wanting our own way that they look at us and say, “I don’t want to be anything like them.”

How this must break the heart of our Savior … the one who gave His life for us.

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