Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Sons and Daughters of God! (Galatians 3:25-27)

Today’s scripture: Galatians 3:25-27

I love, love, LOVE these verses!!!

The Law provided guidelines by which God’s people needed to live to obtain atonement from sins. His people needed a tutor. We don’t need a tutor any longer.

We are sons and daughters of the Father through our faith in Christ. We can enter directly into the Father’s presence because of Jesus’ intercession for us!!

And not only are we sons and daughters of our heavenly Father, but we are also “clothed” with Christ. We take on His godly attributes when we are baptized in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

We can take off the influences of the flesh and put on the fruit of the Spirit

That’s what faith in Jesus Christ, our Messiah, does for us. And even though we don’t need tutoring by the Law, our faith in Christ gives us the desire to serve the Father and follow His commandments.

It delights Him when we choose to follow Him and His commands—not out of compulsion, but with willing hearts. 

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