Today’s scripture: 2 Timothy 3:13
Lately, I’ve been writing of how Paul’s prophetic words are coming to
fulfillment in our generation. And today’s verse continues the theme. I think
about the hundreds of religions and sects throughout our world, and the
“imposters” who are deceiving others, but are also deceiving themselves.
A while ago, I read about a book written by a church leader from a mainstream
denomination. In it, he apparently asserts that God really won’t sent
unbelievers to hell. He also slams all evangelical Christians for being
judgmental and obnoxious. Now, I won’t deny that there are many Christians who
are unfortunately both—very much so. However, many of us truly love all people
and realize we can’t point out splinters when we’re looking passed our planks.
But it is true that many church leaders want to soft-soap biblical truth. How
often do you hear about how sin separates us from God? Not nearly as often as
we should. Instead, we hear about a loving God who is just going to let us do
what we want. And as long as we’re relatively good, He’ll welcome us into
That’s not what the Bible says. The only way to join our Lord God in heaven is
through the acceptance of Jesus Christ’s sacrificial payment for our sin. We’re
then to surrender our lives daily to God’s will. We’re to lay down our own
desires and seek only His.
That’s truth. But that’s not what the imposters are saying.
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