Monday, September 25, 2017

Joy with Friends (Philemon 1:7)

Today’s scripture: Philemon 1:7

I love having girlfriends, those sisters in Christ who walk alongside me, who encourage me, who pray for me.

There is indeed “great joy and consolation in [their] love …” I honestly cannot imagine how I would have gotten through some very difficult times without their love and support.

In this season of my life, I have a small group of women who are my support system. We pray together; we play together; we’re genuinely there for each other. I’m fully confident that, if I needed someone, I could pick up the phone, and any one of them would be come to my aid.

I’m even more blessed to have a “sister” who “refreshes” my heart. She is my (in the current vernacular) my BFF, and I find joy in just hanging out with her.

Friends are a gift from God, and I encourage you to cherish those friends with which He’s blessed you.

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