Friday, February 08, 2019

God's Overflowing Love (Psalm 42:6-8)

Today's scripture: Psalm 42:6-8

I have a strong affinity for waterfalls. The sound of the crashing water cascading down to hidden depths is somehow soothing to my soul. I think it's because it drowns out the world's noise. I find myself more in tune with the Lord. Some of my favorite trips have involved searching out waterfalls.

I guess that's why I like verses like Psalm 42:7.

But I love verses like Psalm 42:8.

God loves me! He "command[s] His lovingkindness in the day time" ... He loves me more than I can imagine, and He wants nothing more than me to feel His love flow over me like water over a fall. He wants His love to saturate me and fill me so fully that the sounds of the world are drowned.

I especially love the next part of verse 8: "in the night His song shall be with me ..." You've read that one of my favorite ways to offer praise is through song. But this verse says something very soothing to my soul. God also sings. He sings over me and through me.

Because I of God's love flowing over me and His song with me, I offer a "prayer to the God of my life."

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