Today’s scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:14-18
It is a rare day when I don’t feel completely inspired by the Spirit to write the day’s devotion. However, I’m experiencing significant “fibro fog,” so I’m going to trust the words of a saint of the past—who was far wiser than I—to share his words of wisdom.
When prayerfully considering Paul’s words in today’s scripture, Adam Clarke discerned Paul was saying:
Ye are my children, and I am your father. You have not contributed to my support, but I have been labouring for your life. I will act towards you as the loving father who works hard, and lays up what is necessary to enable his children to get their bread. I will continue to act as a loving father, who spends all he has upon his children, and expends his own strength and life in providing for them the things necessary for their preservation and comfort. I will even act towards you with the most affectionate tenderness, though it happen to me, as it often does to loving fathers, that their disobedient children love them less, in proportion as their love to them is increased. Does it not frequently happen that the most disobedient child in the family is that one on which the parents' tenderness is more especially placed? See the parable of the prodigal son. It is in the order of God that it should be so, else the case of every prodigal would be utterly deplorable. The shepherd feels more for the lost sheep than for the ninety-nine that have not gone astray. (Adam Clarke Commentary)I love any scripture that reminds me of my loving Father, my Abba … my Daddy. And as much as Paul loved his earthly “children” and as much as our parents love us, our heavenly Father loves us so much more.
Father God, Abba, thank You for Your overwhelming, unconditional love. May I live to glorify You. Every day. Amen.
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