Friday, September 14, 2012

Focus on Truth (2 Cor. 11:1-6)

Today's scripture: 2 Corinthians 11:1-6

It is so very important that we keep our hearts and minds fixed on biblical truth and that we filter everything through the scriptures. Some preach “another Jesus,” even to the point of saying that Jesus may not have lived a sinless life. Some say that many roads lead to heaven. Some say that a God of love would never send anyone to hell.

Then there are those who downplay sin. As long as no one is hurt, they say, you should be able to live as you choose. The Bible is wide open to interpretation, they claim, and you can take what makes sense and disregard the rest.

The Bible is God-breathed truth. The Holy Spirit inspired the hearts and minds of the Bible’s authors and the hearts and minds of those who compiled the 66 books it contains. It is full of history, poetry, parable, imagery, and symbolism, and each and every word speaks to one central theme: God’s plan of redemption.

Yes, there are some parts that give historical or cultural context that don’t necessarily apply to modern-day Christ-followers. For example, much of the levitical law was written because people of Israel needed guidelines by which they could be ritually cleansed. They hadn’t the blessing of salvation through the shedding of Christ’s blood.

The real issue? If we don’t know God’s word, we can’t know if someone is preaching something that goes against it. We are responsible for our own study. We need to spend time really digging into the Bible. And when we come to passages we don’t understand, we need to find wise mentors of faith who can help guide us.

We must not be like Eve who was so easily deceived. We must be wise and discerning, not giving the enemy a toehold. We must remain focused on having a “simple and pure devotion to Christ.”

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