Wednesday, February 26, 2014

In Our Midst (Psalm 46:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 46:4-5

Someday, I’m going to take a class on the Old Testament. There’s so much in it that I think I understand, but I’m probably wrong. Take today’s verses. I think they’re prophetic, talking about the new heaven and new earth John describes in Revelation. But even if that’s true, there’s a nugget we can take away now, I believe.

If God is “in the midst” of things, we too “will not be moved.” God will help us when morning dawns. I absolutely love the fact of God’s omnipresence. He’s with me at all times. He’s here to protect me, provide for me, strengthen me. He’s “in the midst” of my life, always.

In the valleys, on the mountaintops, He's there. In the pain, in the joy, He's there. Even when I often wake up and think to myself, How will I handle today’s many tasks? Well, here’s the deal: I won’t. But I don't need to worry or stress. God has carried me through times like these in the past, and “when morning dawns,” I have confidence He’ll help me again.

Thank You, Abba Father, that You’re in the midst of our lives. Be glorified this day. Amen.

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