Thursday, February 13, 2014

Praise ... Continually (Psalm 34:1)

Today's scripture: Psalm 34:1

Yesterday, we spent time just praising God. Let's continue the theme today.

I want to focus on a theme in today's verse: constancy. The psalmist praise the Lord "at all times" and "continually." I have to admit, I don't praise Him this way. I do start my day with him (with few exceptions) because I've found if I don't, it's just too easy to neglect Him. I start with reading a few devotionals I've found that bless and encourage and (often) convict. Then I work on whatever my Bible study group is doing. I usually have a secondary study going too. Finally, I spend time in prayer.

I'm not telling you this to brag; it's just that I've found I need to spend more time with the Lord ... I'm too easily distracted, and I know I personally need this time to focus on Him.

After all my morning time with Him, you'd think the idea of constancy would be easy ... Not so much. I still find myself going through the day, doing my thing, and rarely do I continually praise Him. Oh, I often end my day in prayer and praise, but that's several hours after my morning with Him.

I would love to be able to practice constancy with God. Blessing Him at all times. Praising Him continually. I can only pray that He draws me closer and closer, and that I will slowly but surely learn to keep Him front of mind at all times.

Because I know I'm front of His mind ... at all times.

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