Thursday, November 20, 2014

Declare His Glory (Psalm 19:1-4a)

Today's scripture: Psalm 19:1-4a

We live in an amazing, amazing world. So much beauty. So much diversity.

My husband and I love to travel, and one way we especially love is taking road trips. We've traveled up and down the west coast several times. We've headed east through Arizona and New Mexico, and up into Utah. We even flew into Anchorage last year and then took a road trip north to Denali and south to Seward.

We've enjoyed cruises that took us to eastern Canada and islands in the Caribbean, and when I was younger, I traveled to Europe and the South Pacific.

Every where I've had the privilege to travel, I've marveled at the awesome beauty of this planet. Snow-capped mountains. Raging rivers. Powerful oceans. Mysterious deserts.

Every place so different and unique.

One thing I really love is being out in the country away from city lights. I love looking up and seeing an expanse of sky full of stars. I may not be able to pick out one constellation from another, but there is something both majestic and reverent when it is quiet and all I can see are stars upon stars. In those moments, I truly feel like the "heavens [are] declar[ing] the glory of God ..."

His creation is awesome. This universe we live in is a testimony to His greatness and creativity.

So we too can declare His glory and delight in His handiwork.

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