Friday, November 21, 2014

Perfectly Created (Psalm 19:4b-6)

Today's scripture: Psalm 19:4b-6

Yesterday, I wrote about nighttime skies full of stars. Today's verses bring us to the sky at day.

I think the existence of the sun and its precise placement is one of the greatest testaments to a Creator. I've read that if the sun were in any other place than its exact position, life on the earth would not be sustainable. I'm not a scientist, so I visited The Institute for Creation Research's website. In language I don't fully understand (it's been many, many moons since I took a science class!), the ICR states:

The spiral-shaped galaxy in which the earth is located is called the Milky Way. The spiraling arms and center of this galaxy contain many stars set close together, giving off its characteristic brightness.
Some stars explode into supernovas, causing deadly radiation to flow through nearby stars and planets.

The center and arms of galaxies are flooded with high amounts of radiation. Most stars are located in places with too much harmful energy for life.
Our solar system is located about two-thirds of the way out toward the edge of the Milky Way, where we are least likely to suffer collisions with other stars. Most of the stars in our galaxy are in the larger spiral arms or in the center. Because there are few stars near us, there is a low amount of radiation surrounding our solar system and we can observe the rest of the universe and our own galaxy much better.

So, when we look toward the sun (not at it because that's not good for our eyes!), we can remember yet again the awesomeness of our Creator God.

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