Friday, March 13, 2015

Learn from History (1 Corinthians 10:1-5)

Today's scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:1-5

What’s that old saying? Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it (something like that). It’s true for us Christians as well.

We are so tremendously blessed. Tremendously blessed. We have been blessed with provision and protection. Our needs are met. We are blessed with friends and family. Most of all, we are blessed by God’s grace, both at the moment of our salvation and then throughout our lives.

God’s chosen people were equally blessed. They were supernaturally released from slavery in Egypt. They were miraculously brought through the Red Sea. They were given food and water in the middle of the desert. They were promised a land flowing with milk and honey.

They were tremendously blessed.

Yet, they doubted. They whined. They complained. They built false idols. They promised to serve God, and yet they turned away time and time again. And because of their sin and lack of faith, an entire generation didn’t enter that promised land.

Have we learned from their mistakes?

Or do we forget how God has blessed us and try to do things our own way? Do we build our own idols? Do we look to the world for gratification?

We can learn from history. We can do things differently than those who came before us.

Or we can be doomed to repeat their mistakes.

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