“… there is no God but one.”
Some belief systems believe in many gods. This concept dates back to shortly after Adam and Eve were expelled from the garden.
Man seeks something higher than himself. There’s something in us that desires a power above us … something that we can believe in, something we can trust. Sometimes that desire manifests itself in worshiping the created rather than the Creator. Some people worship the sun or trees or oceans.
Or they create their own god—or gods. The Romans had Zeus and Jupiter (among many others). The Greeks had Jupiter and Neptune (… among many others). But their gods—and the gods of many other beliefs—were impersonal, distant.
Our God—the one true God of the Bible—is personal and loving and compassionate. He is full of mercy and grace. As we saw yesterday, He knows us, and He wants to be known by us.
Our Abba invites us to crawl on His lap and seek shelter in His arms. Our Lord Jesus came to earth and took on human flesh in order to provide for us a way of salvation and reconciliation with God. Our Holy Spirit indwells us and helps us to face the daily battle we face.
Paul says it better than I ever could:
… yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom are all things and we exist for Him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we exist through Him.Amen and amen.
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