Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Has God Forgotten Me? (Psalm 10:8-11)

Today's scripture: Psalm 10:8-11

Monday, I wrote that sometimes it seems like the enemy is winning. Psalm 10 continues that thought. According to the New American Standard Bible, this is a psalm praying for the overthrow of the wicked, and I agree. But I also see it as how the enemy of our souls behaves. The enemy—prideful, arrogant, a liar, a murderer—seems to be described quite well in today’s verses.

Lurking. Murders the innocent. Lies in wait secretly.

God has forgotten …

And sometimes it seems like God really has forgotten us. When the pain is unrelenting. When the checking account is empty and rent is due. When the doctor says, “I’m so sorry.” When that prodigal is far from home.

God—at times—seems so far away. Prayers—at times—go no further than the ceiling. What do we do then?

I often speak of the gift of hindsight. I’ve experienced a lot in my five+ decades on this earth. Abuse. Infertility. Chronic pain. And many, many times, God seemed to have forgotten me. But with that gift of hindsight, I can see He never, ever did. Even through twenty years of rebellion, He never, ever did.

And everything that’s happened—even those things my enemies did for evil—God used for good. Everything.

Be strong through whatever season you’re going through, my friend. And know one thing: God never forgets you. Never.

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