Monday, April 30, 2018

The Pure Words of God (Psalm 12:6-8)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 12:6-8

I’ve written before (and will certainly write again
J) that I love God’s word! I am eternally (and I mean that literally) grateful that He chose to leave us a document, inspired by the Spirit and written by men, that tells us about Him and how we should live to please Him.

Studying and meditating on God’s word is so very, very important for Christ-followers. If we want to know Him, if we want to be like Christ, if we want to serve well, we need to spend time in the “pure words” of the scriptures.

I’m part of a small group of ladies that meets weekly to discuss what God has taught us through His word and through the various studies we go through. And every time, even if I’ve read passages before, I always learn something new.

And the more I study and meditate, I’m drawn even closer to God.

Let me encourage you now: If you’re not spending daily time with the Lord in study and meditation of His word, please schedule that time! It’ll become the most important part of your day!

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