Monday, November 12, 2018

Cry Out to God (Psalm 31:9-13)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 31:9-13

Psalm 31 is credited to David, and today’s verses resonate with his pain and suffering. His cries for help aren’t unusual; many of his psalms are similar. However, unlike others of David’s psalms, he knows that his suffering is a result of his own sin.

You’re probably familiar with David’s story. Shepherd becomes giant-killer. Soldier becomes king. He is blessed. He is a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 13:14; Acts 13:22).

Yet, he is also human, and he falls. He lusts after Bathsheba and commits adultery with her. He arranges for the death of her husband.

Sin indeed.

As a result of his sin, he loses a child. He faces hostile enemies. Trouble abounds.

And so he cries for mercy. He calls out to the One whose love abounds …

You may be facing suffering or pain or trouble as a result of your sin. But you can also cry out to God for mercy. He will forgive; He will offer grace.

That’s not to say your trouble will cease. There may still be consequences. However, you can know God’s mercy and strength even if the pain continues.

Just cry out to Him.

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