Friday, November 16, 2018

God's Goodness (Psalm 31:19-20)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 31:19-20

The first part of this psalm deals with pain and the consequences of sin. Yet, it is clear that David loves and trusts his God.

Even in the midst of suffering, he states—without doubt—that God’s goodness is great, and indeed it is.

He adds a caveat, though. God’s goodness is great for particular people: “for those who fear [Him]” and “for those who trust [Him].”

God loves everyone. Everyone. However, only those who are His children, only those who have committed their lives to Him by accepting the gift of salvation through Christ’s death and resurrection, will experience His goodness.

Do you know God? Really know Him? Have you given your life to Him? Have you asked for forgiveness?

If you don’t, then you can’t expect His goodness. I encourage you to meet Jesus now. If you’re not certain how, please send me an email, and I’ll introduce you to Him.

Then, even when things are difficult (and storms will come), you can know God’s goodness.

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