Thursday, December 25, 2008

A Christmas Prayer

Dear Lord Jesus,

Words are so inadequate.

I want to thank You for Your willingness to come to earth in human form, to feel hunger and weariness and pain, to experience rejection and betrayal.

I want to thank You for Your willingness to feel the lash of false accusations, to suffer the thorns, to endure the whip, to bear the nails.

I want to thank You for Your willingness to be the sacrifice to cover my sin.

Most of all, I want to thank You for Your willingness to be my living Savior, to walk alongside me through the valleys and atop the mountains of my journey.

I want to thank You for all of this, Lord Jesus.

But, again, words just seem unable to express what's in my heart this Christmas Day.

So one last thank You: Thank You for Your willingness to know what's in my heart and know what words just can't convey.

I love you, Lord Jesus. My Savior, my Redeemer, my gift at Christmas.


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