Tuesday, March 11, 2014

God Listens! (Psalm 20:9)

Today's scripture: Psalm 20:9

I know I’ve written about this before, but I have to write again … the Lord of the universe, the Sovereign Creator, the Alpha and Omega listens to us! And He answers us when we call out to Him!

Even though we so often fail Him, even though we let our focus drift from Him, He still lovingly hears our cries. He hears our prayers for intercession or healing or provision. And He always—always—answers.

A few days ago, I wrote how God answers prayers—yes, no, and wait. There’s never a time when He ignores us. There’s never a moment when He says, “I don’t think I’ll listen to [insert your name] today.”

It’s another mystery to think that God hears millions of voices simultaneously, but He does. And your voice is just as precious to Him as any other crying out to Him.

Call out to Him today, this very moment. Tell Him what’s on your heart. Lay it all at the foot of His throne. Know—beyond doubt—that He’s listening. Know—beyond doubt—that He’ll answer your call.

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