Friday, September 21, 2018

Examine Me, Lord God (Psalm 26:1-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 26:1-5

We talked about this word on Wednesday: Integrity. It's worth a more in-depth investigation. Integrity is a word that's thrown out quite often. But what does it really mean to be a person of integrity? As I wrote before, a person of integrity is the same in public as she is in private.

In other words, what you see is what you get.

Often, however, we have a public face, one that we show to the world. We're kind, gentle, and humble when we're with others, but behind closed doors, we complain, nitpick, compare, and think ourselves better than others.

Guess what? God can see behind closed doors. He sees the face we put on for others; He sees the darkest places in our hearts. We can't get away with anything.

Wow. This is convicting.

Can I really pray along with the psalmist that God examine me? Prove me? Try my mind and heart?

Oh, how I would like to give an unequivocal "yes!"

But too often I hide my unholy thoughts or do things in private that I know are not honoring God.

It's then when I drop to my knees (often figuratively as my knees don't "fall" like they used to) and ask the Holy Spirit to help me be the woman God created me to be. To help me be the same in private and in public.

To help me be a woman of integrity.

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