Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Trustworthy (Psalm 31:1-4)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 31:1-4

Some of us find it difficult to trust. We’ve been abused. Wounded. Betrayed.

Hurt by words. By fists. By neglect.

We certainly haven’t found anyone on earth worthy of our trust.

I wasn’t very trusting for much of my younger life. Too much hurt from too many hands. I didn’t trust easily … especially men.

Even the God I’d heard about since birth seemed to have turned aside.

Then I met the man who would become my husband. When we met, he was still dating another woman, and he and I became good friends. I watched how, even when other women we worked with would flirt with him, he was always loyal to his girlfriend.

He seemed trustworthy.

And now that we’ve been together for almost 34 years, I can say without doubt that he is.

It took a bit longer for me to realize that God, too, is trustworthy. When I thought He’d abandoned me, I realized that I had abandoned Him. He’d “had my back” even when I’d turned that very back from Him. He protected me, provided for me, cared for me.

My Lord and I have been walking together every day for 25 years. And I can say without doubt that He is trustworthy.

Without doubt.

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