Monday, December 10, 2018

Plan. Loosely. (Psalm 33:10-17)

Today’s scripture: Psalm 33:10-17

I’m a planner. Big time.

For a while, I was a certified facilitator for 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and I still adhere to its principles of planning.

I have a calendar and a to-do list, and I use them every day. Even though I’m semi-retired, I find them invaluable.

I know, however, that I need to hold my plans loosely. I need to commit my plans to God every day. My plans must be His plans.

And because I know His plans are for my ultimate good and His glory (Jer. 29:11), I can trust that everything will work out as He wills and purposes.

So, every morning, I look at my calendar and my to-do list. I commit both to God’s plan. And I follow both … unless God clearly changes something.

If He does, then I adjust my plan to conform to His.

And I trust that His plan will be fulfilled.

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