Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Exalt the Lord (Psalm 99:4-5)

Today's scripture: Psalm 99:4-5

The Lord is holy and righteous. He is just. He is equitable as He offers salvation and forgiveness of sin to all people.

If only they seek Him.

Anyone who exalts God and worships at His footstool, seeking His forgiveness, will be cleansed from his or her sins.

And here on earth, we can praise Him, worship Him, and exalt Him. We can honor Him with our actions, thoughts, and words. We have the privilege of speaking directly to Him in prayer and reading His word to us.

Our holy God demands—and deserves—our total surrender. For some, that seems too much. They don’t want to give up control. But honestly? I’ve found that when I surrender my life, my plans, my relationships to Him, He does amazingly beyond my expectations. And even those times when I didn’t get what I wanted, even those times when I suffered—when I still suffer—I see how God works everything for good (Romans 8:28).

And He is worthy—more than worthy—of all my praise and exaltations.

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