Monday, June 03, 2013

Sing to the Lord! (Psalm 95:1-2)

Today's scripture: Psalm 95:1-2

God loves us with an unconditional, everlasting love.

Our Creator God deserves our constant worship and praise, and it is our privilege to do so. We can praise Him with singing, with shouting. We can praise Him with thanksgiving.

He is, after all, the Rock of our salvation. He is our Redeemer. Our shield. Our strength.

He blesses us with what we need, and He often blesses us far beyond what we need.

Today, as you go about your daily “to-dos,” praise Him. As you drive to work or to school, sing songs of praise. “Great is Thy Faithfulness” or “Amazing Grace.” Sing “Mighty to Save” or “Revelation Song.” Or whatever your current favorite song of praise may be.

As you’re doing chores at home, praise Him—out loud—for all He’s done for you. Name His attributes. He’s  all-powerful, all-loving. He’s Your Healer and Provider. He’s the Giver of peace.

Take time today, and read through a few psalms of praise. Some of my favorites? Psalm 33. Psalm 40. Psalm 46. Psalm 71. Psalm 100. Psalm 150.

He is Almighty God, and He is worthy of all praise, worship, honor, and glory.

Praise Him today … and every day.

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